Government Relations


Members - identify your GR priorities

Our Government Relations Committee remains committed to advancing the policies you endorse at the Annual General Meeting. We actively seek opportunities to champion your priorities and make Alberta an even better place for co-operatives.

We invite your organization to engage in policy advocacy through two avenues:

  1. Craft Your Policy: You can formulate a policy related to co-operatives by utilizing the Government Relations Member Policy Issue form, as you have done in previous years.

  2. Choose from Policy Ideas: Alternatively, you can select from a range of policy ideas that have emerged from discussions and suggestions by co-operative members over the past year.

Please note that there is no limit on the number of policy submissions you can make, but kindly submit each policy issue separately. You can submit your proposals anytime as we approach the annual AGM, traditionally held in June. To ensure inclusion for consideration at the AGM, please note that the submission deadline is May 1 each year.

Policy Ideas Include:

  1. Integration of Co-operative Education: Advocate for including the co-operative model in Alberta's primary education system.

  2. Co-operative Education Tax Credit: Propose the creation of a tax credit to support those who invest in co-operative education.

  3. Tax Exemption for Co-operatives: Champion a tax exemption benefiting co-operatives, such as an exemption on dividends provided to members.

  4. Appointment of a Parliamentary Secretary: Advocate for appointing a Parliamentary Secretary responsible for co-operatives within the Alberta Government.

These policy ideas have evolved from ongoing conversations and interactions with co-operative members. Each of these policies can be developed by your organization independently or in collaboration with the Government and Stakeholder Relations (GR) Committee chair. 

Feel free to choose one or more of the abovementioned policies for submission at the AGM. If you need support completing the Government Relations Member Policy Issue form, or wish to connect with the GR Committee please don't hesitate to contact our member services team. They will connect you with the GR Chair, who can provide further guidance and assistance.

• For an example of a completed policy? Check out this sample.


Advocating for Members

Successful government relations facilitate exchanging information and ideas between an organization and key decision-makers in municipal, provincial and federal governments. ACCA engages in government relations and advocacy activities on behalf of our members for a variety of reasons:

  • Serve as a unified voice

  • Impact provincial and national legislation, regulation and policy;

  • Educate policymakers and their staff by providing accurate and timely working knowledge and expertise and serving as a valuable resource to advance the co-operative model;

  • Provide a platform for members' participation in the democratic process

Advocacy and Co-production

Your voice is important to the process. Co-production supports advocacy… incorporating your contributions, current concerns and issues into the design is critical to our work. To be successful, co-production requires your active involvement in ACCA's efforts to scale up government relations.

As part of ACCA's efforts to scale up government relations, we are building a formal process to ensure our member co-operatives' priorities drive our government relations work.

Moving forward, ACCA staff are actively working with our Government and Stakeholder Relations Committee to formulate an action plan to advocate on behalf of our members' priorities based on the policy issues identified by you, our members.

The Gathering is the definitive event for Alberta co-operatives and credit unions, who come together in October to grow, share and lead the sector. This annual event culminates in an MLA reception; it's exclusive to ACCA members and provides contact with legislative members. After all, advocacy is about building relationships!

Curious about who your MLA is? Please use this link to find out more.

Keep in touch:

To connect with our GR staff - please contact us at: