June Government Relations Update

At the ACCA AGM in June, we launched our first email campaign platform! At the AGM delegates were asked to test the platform and sign a letter supporting regulation reductions surrounding the creation of new co-operatives. Everyone at the AGM was able to send off a letter to their local MLA and the Minister of Finance with a simple click of a button. We are looking to use this platform with more of our grassroots members moving forward to help make Alberta (and Western Canada!) the friendliest place for co-operatives in Canada.

Our campaign to raise the awareness of co-operatives has been working extremely well. So far we have had one-on-one meetings with over thrity MLAs here in Alberta. This month we met with MLA Jon Carson, Rod Loyola, Shannon Phillips, Jordan Walker, Nicole Goehring, and Minister Whitney Issik. Each MLA was happy to learn how many co-operatives they represent and saw great value in reducing the regulatory barriers to creating new co-operatives.

We are also beginning to work with our counterparts across Canada. At the Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada conference earlier this month, we met with government relations experts from across the country. We now have a weekly meeting where we share ideas and assist each other in advocating for co-operatives.

Our best bet at advocating for co-operatives is co-operating and presenting a united front. The work has just started but it is already progressing at a rapid pace!